Loot is an upcoming Bollywood comedy film directed by Rajnish Thakur, starring Govinda, Shweta Bhardwaj, Mahakshay Chakraborty,Hansika Motwani, Sunil Shetty and Javed Jaffrey in lead roles. It is scheduled for release on November 4, 2011.Plot
After being released from prison, Pandit (Govinda) decides to meet up with his former partner in crime and close friend Akbar (Jaaved Jaffrey) to propose a scheme he has in mind. The two decide to pitch the plan to wealthy their friend Builder (Suniel Shetty), who offers his former partner Wilson (Mahakshay Chakraborty) to join in the plan. The plan consists of robbing two casinos, and one hotel. Though the four robbers have a geniues plan, Wilson gets involved with a stripper, who works at the casino they are planning to loot. After the two fall in love, Wilson leaves the gang for love. Will the three be able to loot without Wilson's help?
Directed by | Rajneesh Thakur |
Produced by | Shabbir Boxwala |
Starring | Govinda Mahakshay Chakraborty Shweta Bhardwaj Suniel Shetty Javed Jaffrey |
Music by | Mika Singh |
Distributed by | Popcorn Motion Pictures Viacom 18 |
Release date(s) | November 4, 2011 |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi |